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Female | Human | Hunter

「 I whisper faintly to the same melancholic sky... all alone 」



It was that time, that changed my life. No, I'm not talking about the time that I lost my mother. Not where I got abandoned by my family after ten years, and not about how I lost everything I had in my life... But rather I'm talking about a fateful meeting I had with a girl just about my age of 10 at that time on the mountains looking down at the small village I lived in.

I was muddied all over from all my tears and falling as I had nowhere else to go. I intended to go jump off from the mountains to end it all, but instead what I saw standing there was a girl in an elegant dress like I've never seen before. I would have never thought that such a moment would be one that could change my life forever. In that moment, the very thing she said to me was to look up and face her eye to eye and asked me if her eyes are that of a liar's.
I silently shake my head as she said to me:

"As a citizen of this empire, by orders of the heir to the Mikazuchi dynasty, I, Mikazuchi Fuyuki will not allow tears and sadness!!" She said before tripping over some flower vines, and we both laughed at our muddy faces.

In that very moment, I remember that my eyes felt lit up for the first time. I remember that I experienced someone speaking to me genuinely for the first time. I remember just how happy I was. I knew I wanted to see her bring happiness to others, I knew I wanted to do everything I can to support her. She gave me hope when there is none. Which is why in that moment I felt a purpose in life, to better myself so that I could protect her which I hold dear.

People say that life flashes before your eyes on your final moments of life...

... I suppose this was my life's moment after all

Name: 甕槌 雪美

English: Mikazuchi Aine

Mikazuchi (甕槌) from "Takemikazuchi"(The God of Thunder)

Setsumi (愛希): Ai + Nozomi

(Love + Hope)


Birthday: April 23


Age: 23


Zodiac: Taurus (♉︎)


Height: 168cm


Favorite Color: Thistle Purple


Hobbies: Calligraphy, Reading,Watching nature, Planting trees


Alignment: Chaos


Character Voice:

Sakura Ayane (Voice 152)


Signature - Sanii.png

Likes: Passionate people, Taking care of others, Living a good life, Spending time with family

Dislikes: Smelly food, Bad crops, Fire, The sun and hot weather, Salty tastes


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